
Advanced Filters
07:15am - 08:30am EDT - April 7, 2017 | Room: Virginia BC
Credits Available:
1.25 CH | 1.00 Rx


Who are our patients? Each one is an individual who has goals and desires. How can we humanize the care we deliver and recognize each patient as an individual? Dr. Schiller will explore changing care delivery one patient at a time.

Contact hours available until 4/10/19.

Requirements for Successful Completion:

Complete the learning activity in its entirety and complete the online CNE evaluation. You will be able to print your CNE certificate at any time after you complete the evaluation.

Faculty, Planners, and Speakers Conflict of Interest Disclosure:

Planning Committee Disclosures:

• Elizabeth St. John – Employee, Fresenius Kidney Care

• Kyra Trappett – Employee, DaVita Dialysis

There are no other disclosures to declare.

Commercial Support and Sponsorship:

Supported through an educational grant from Satellite Healthcare, Inc.

Accreditation Statement:

American Nephrology Nurses Association – Provider is accredited with distinction as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Learning Outcome:

Nephrology nurses will understand the value of recognizing patients as individuals and humanizing patient care.


This hands-on, practical workshop by a nephrologist-palliative care physician includes a step-by-step approach to advance care planning demonstrated with videos of actual discussions with chronic kidney disease patients, recommendations for when and how to include discussions of the POLST/MOLST/POST form in advance care planning, tips on when and how to bill for advance care planning to effectively utilize codes 99497 and 99498, sample documentation to include in the electronic health record, case discussions, and audience questions.

Contact hours available until 4/10/19.

Requirements for Successful Completion:

Complete the learning activity in its entirety and complete the online CNE evaluation. You will be able to print your CNE certificate at any time after you complete the evaluation.

Faculty, Planners, and Speakers Conflict of Interest Disclosure:

Planning Committee Disclosures:

• Elizabeth St. John – Employee, Fresenius Kidney Care

• Kyra Trappett – Employee, DaVita Dialysis

There are no other disclosures to declare.

Commercial Support and Sponsorship:

No commercial support or sponsorship declared.

Accreditation Statement:

American Nephrology Nurses Association – Provider is accredited with distinction as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Learning Outcome:

Nephrology nurses will express increased confidence in their ability to participate in shared decision making related to advance care planning in CKD patients.