
Advanced Filters
10:00am - 11:30am EDT - October 8, 2016 | Room: Spinnaker
Track: Pre-Conference Workshop
Credits Available:
1.50 CH

What is normal in the older adult? What isn’t? Changes happen as we age, but being able to identify abnormal changes in the geriatric population can help them and us to grow older gracefully.

Contact hours available until 10/10/18.

Requirements for Successful Completion:
Complete the learning activity in its entirety and complete the online CNE evaluation. You will be able to print your CNE certificate at any time after you complete the evaluation.

Faculty, Planners, and Speakers Conflict of Interest Disclosure:

Conferences Committee Disclosures:
  • Kyra Trappett – Employee, DaVita Dialysis

There are no other disclosures to declare.

Commercial Support and Sponsorship:
No commercial support or sponsorship declared.

Accreditation Statement:
American Nephrology Nurses’ Association is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

ANNA is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, provider number CEP 00910.

Learning Outcome:
Nephrology nurses caring for aging CKD patients utilize a comprehensive geriatric assessment to assist in reducing mortality and morbidity risks.