Kathleen Pagana PhD, RN

Kathleen D. Pagana is President of Pagana Keynotes & Presentations. She is an Emeritus Professor from Lycoming College in Williamsport, PA. Her BSN is from the University of Maryland. Her MSN and PhD in nursing are from the University of Pennsylvania.

Kathy has been a leader in healthcare for more than 30 years with experiences including military service, college teaching, administration, clinical practice, and consulting. Kathy has written more than 75 articles. She and her husband are the co-authors of 25 books with translations in French, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Over one million copies of the Pagana & Pagana Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference have sold worldwide. Kathy has recently published The Nurse's Etiquette Advantage. She is also a contributing author of Chicken Soup for the Nurse's Soul. Her newest book, The Nurse's Communication Advantage, is hot off the press.

Kathy's involvement in health care extends from the Board Room to the Bedside. Being a member of the Board of Directors of a regional medical center has helped Kathy understand the complexity of healthcare and the ongoing challenges for cost containment. She keeps current in clinical practice by working as a medical-surgical nurse in a hospital several days per month.
