
Dominique Godfrey-Johnson MPH, CPH, CIC

Public Health Analyst, Leidos, Inc.

Dominique Godfrey-Johnson is an infection prevention consultant with a federal agency where she is a content expert for healthcare-associated bloodstream infections. In this role, she provides consultation and technical assistance regarding surveillance for healthcare-associated infections using a national surveillance application. She also serves as a consultant for central line associated infections in the home health setting and as the project manager for an infective endocarditis project. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health from the University of Georgia and Master of Public Health with a concentration in Infectious Diseases from the University of South Florida. Dominique has more than 10 years of experience as an epidemiologist which encompasses surveillance, data management, and outcome measures. Prior to joining the team responsible for protocol development and training, she was the director of infection prevention and practiced as an infection preventionist while holding the director position at Community Hospital in West Georgia. She is certified in Infection Control (CIC).
