Dr. Lupu, MPH PhD is Research Professor at George Washington University School of Nursing in Washington DC. She holds adjunct positions at the GW School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Lupu is a national leader in hospice and palliative care who believes, “The end of the story matters.” For more than 40 years, she has dedicated herself to improving end-of-life care by creating innovative organizations, systems, educational programs, and research projects. For the past decade, she has led projects bridging nephrology and palliative care. The HIGHWay initiative trained social workers and nurses at large dialysis organizations in communication skills for effective advance care planning. Her newest project, ExPAND, tests two approaches to supporting shared decision-making for people with kidney failure at 10 nephrology organizations nationally. She serves on the executive committee of the Coalition for Supportive Care of Kidney Patients.