Brenda Jahnke (last name pronounced “Yón-key”) has been an RN for over 40 years, a graduate of California State University, Chico. She received her MSN from the University of Nevada-Reno as a Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist. She has worked in the clinical area of cardiology for over 25 years. She has also held positions as an education coordinator, trauma coordinator, clinical nurse specialist, tenured professor of nursing and most recently as director of education and now house supervisor at Northern Nevada Medical Center. She is a 35+ year volunteer for the American Heart Association, chairing several local committees and serving on the speaker’s bureau. Brenda has also participated with the National Council of States Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) in item writing, item reviewing, and test plan development for the NCLEX-RN and NGN (next-generation NCLEX) exams. In addition, Brenda has presented at several national conferences including: AACN (American Association of Critical-care Nurses) National Teaching Institute (NTI), APNA (American Psychiatric Nursing Association), and ASPAN (American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses), NAON (National Assocaition of Orthopedic Nurses), and ANNA. In 2019 Brenda was recognized by the Northern Nevada Nurses of Achievement and received the Lifetime Achievement award.