Judie Bringhurst MSN, RN, CIC

Judie Bringhurst is infection preventionist and safety officer for more than 70 ambulatory surgery centers, physician practices, and specialty clinics within a large university health care system in North Carolina. She received her BSN from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and her MSN from Duke University School of Nursing in Durham, North Carolina.

She recently completed a three-year appointment to APIC’s Annual Conference Committee representing ambulatory care concerns. In addition to being certified in infection control, she is certified by the State of North Carolina as a provider of her state’s regulatory infection prevention training for physician practices and dental offices. She has served as faculty for APIC’s Ambulatory Surgery Center course and her checklist for assessing ambulatory care facilities has been published. Judie also provides consultation on ambulatory care issues to various North Carolina ambulatory healthcare organizations.

She lives on an acre of heaven in the countryside of North Carolina with her dogs and her garden.
